Archive of Ziraat Programs

This is a list of Ziraat Programs from previous years with information about the sessions and presenters.  The recordings are available under Recordings of Past Events



  • Earth Day Gathering – 22 April 2023:

    • Ziraat is hosting an international Inayatiyya-wide Earth Day program this year.  Pir Zia will be giving an introduction and each of the 7 Activities will make an offering to the Earth and all her seen and unseen beings.


  • Spring 2023: The Heart of Ziraat – Sharing from Experienced Farmers (2nd Friday of month)
    • Sessions are from 3-4:30 pm New York Time, 9-10:30 pm Central Europe Time (Saturday morning in Oceania)
      • February 10th – Unity Through the Journey of the Soul with Kalyani Jo Marshall
      • March 10th – Garnering the Ziraat Wisdom of Asha Kent with Chaitanya Tomas Gomez
      • April 14th – The Alchemy of Composting with Firos Holterman
      • May 12th – Sacred Manuscripts of Nature with Shakur Johnson and Jamia Haqq Paul