Recordings of Past Ziraat Programs

Recordings of online programs are available on the Inayatiyya Vimeo website, listed by date.

Earth Day 2024

Nature Spirits: Communicating Intuitively with Nature (Spring 2024)

The Ziraat Papers – Insights and Reflections (Fall 2023)

Earth Day 2023

The Heart of Ziraat (Spring 2023) – Experienced Farmers

Responding to the Call of the Earth (Fall 2022) – Wali Via and Guests

Unifying Humanity and the Living Earth (Spring 2022) – Wali Via and Guests

Ziraat – The Altar Elemental Symbols (Fall 2021) – Wali Via and Guests

Natural World Sama – Kainat Norton, Tarana Jobin and Friends

Ziraat Attunement Practices and Prayers for our Planet – Kainat Norton