

The Ziraat Teachings by Hazrat Inayat Khan with assistance from Murshida Saintsbury-Green. The Ziraat Lessons are foundational teachings of Ziraat. 

The Meaning of Ziraat – by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. Pir Vilayat brings to the forefront the ecological crisis we face and the call of Ziraat to address that challenge. 

The Cycle of Ziraat – by Wali David Via. One perspective of the meaning of the cycle of Ziraat work.

The Three Soils of Ziraat – by Firos Holterman. A view of Ziraat that emphasizes the importance of regenerative agriculture. 

The Emerald Contemplations – developed by the Knighthood of Purity, the Emerald Contemplations are a wonderful resource for deepening our attunement to Nature.